The last article walked through the key generation process and all of the traps that will end in an insecure key. Even after that, though, a new key pair doesn't do you any good whatsoever if you can't get it to the people you want to communicate with. As the...

When you read about GPG (aka GnuPG) these days, you will find a bunch of very intelligent people saying two completely opposite things. On the one hand, we hear that GPG is an extremely effective tool against surveillance; it was one of the primary tools used by Edward Snowden in...

Looking back on the months that I spent working on AdvertiSin, I am struck by how inaccurate my estimates of what my problems would be were. Before I started working on AdvertiSin at all, I spent a long time looking at the feasibility of the business. The classic MBA outlook:...

This week, while helping out the DebConf 15 team with some proofreading, I encountered a kind of diff I've never worked with before. A wdiff, or word diff, is intended for displaying word differences between text files. In the context where you are editing free-form text, rather than something like...

Once more, back in the air, just a bit beneath the route that I took on my way out to Portland. The last nine days have been hectic and, in many ways, very different than I was expecting. In other ways, though, it was exactly what I expected. To-do lists...